CricClubs Powers ICC Men's T20 World Cup On-Ground Scoreboard! Learn More
Address: 702 W. Broad St.
Westfield,New Jersey
United States - 07090
Established: GSCL was founded in 1993, its inaugural season was 1994
Current Series: 2024 PLAYOFF
About:                                        Garden State Cricket League
                                       Rules & Playing Conditions 2019
  1. GENERAL                                                                                   2
  2. FORMAT                                                                                    2
  3. STANDINGS AND REPORTS                                                    2
  5. PLAYER MOVEMENT & QUALIFICATION                               3
  6. RESTRICTION ON PLACEMENT OF FIELDERS                       3
  7. PRE GAME PREPARATION                                                       3
  8. NORMAL HOURS OF PLAY & INTERVALS                              4
  9. OVERS AND TIME MANAGEMENT                                          4
  10. DELAYED OR INTERUPTED MATCHES                                    5
  11. TIES & POINTS                                                                           5          
  12. UMPIRING                                                                                  6
  13. DISPUTES & DISCIPLPNARY ISSUES                                       6
  14. PROTEST                                                                                     7
  15. FORFEITURE                                                                               7
  16. PLAYERS LEAVING/RETURNING TO THE FIELD                     7
  17. SUBSTITUTES                                                                             7
  18. PROMOTION & RELEGATION                                                  7
  19. APPENDIX                                                                                   8
  20. PREAMBLE – THE SPIRIT OF THE GAME                                 8
  21. CODE OF CONDUCT (GSCL)                                                     9
  22. RIGHT TO FAIR HEARING PROCEDURES                               10
  23. VIOLATIONS, LEVELS & PENALTIES                                        10
  24. DISCLAIMER                                                                               11
1.1 The competitions shall be known as the Garden State Cricket League Competitions (herein after referred to as the GSCL competitions). The Executive Committee of the GSCL shall be responsible for the administration of the competitions and shall have jurisdiction for the implementation and interpretation of the rules and playing conditions governing the competitions. 
1.2 Except for those laws that are unique to local playing situations and conditions, the Garden State Cricket League, GSCL, will abide by the ICC standard playing conditions for ODI’s, the Laws of Cricket 2017 Code, and the code of conduct. In the event of conflicts, the rules as stipulated by the GSCL shall supersede.
1.3 Only APPROVED FOUR PIECE balls shall be used in the GSCL competitions. 
1.4 Runners shall not be permitted for an injured batter.
1.5 Ball bouncing over head height of striker: The umpire shall call and signal a wide for any delivery which, after pitching, passes or would have passed over head height of the striker standing upright at the popping crease.

1.6 Bowler’s delivery lands off the matting: The umpire shall call and signal a no ballfor any delivery which when bowled lands off the playing surface.

1.7 GSCL championship games will be held at venues designated by the league.
The cricket season shall be divided into (2) two separate and distinct competitions, 40 overs & T20. 
2.1 Division 1: League Championship Baldwin Cappell Trophy.  
2.2 Division 2: League Championship Irshad Ally Trophy.
2.3 The GSCL T20 competition; Colin Williams Trophy.
3.1 Winning teams are required to enter both scorecards on the GSCL website within (72) seventy-two hours after the game has been completed. The scorecards on the website will be locked (72) hours after the game has been completed. Only the player’s statistics listed on the website will be considered as valid. 
3.2 Ten (10) points shall be awarded for a win. 
3.2 Five (5) points for rained out or “No Result” games; game ended prematurely. *See section 10.3. 
3.4 At the end of the regular season, four (4) teams with the highest number of points in each division shall qualify for the semi-final round. 
3.5 The format shall be 1 vs. 4 and 2 vs. 3. 
3.6 Winners from the semi-final rounds will advance to the GSCL championship game. 
4.1 Teams shall be responsible for the registration of its players; anyone experiencing difficulties in the registration process may contact the GSCL executive for assistance.
4.2 Cricketers participating in the Garden State Cricket League must be registered with the league, via the GSCL website, (24) twenty-four hours before playing in any league sanctioned game.
4.3 Cricketers serving suspension from another league or association in the United States or any other cricket playing country shall not be eligible to participate in the GSCL. 
4.4 Violations of rules 4.1 through 4.3 shall result in loss of the game. 
4.5 Properly attired substitutes shall be allowed if the umpires are satisfied that a fielder has been injured or become ill during the current match. In all other circumstances substitutes are not allowed. 
5.1 Players may change team once per season. Changes are NOT allowed after participating in (2) two league games. 
5.2 Players shall notify the LEAGUE and must obtain GSCL approval before playing for another team. 
5.3 To qualify for the GSCL Semi-final or Championship game a player must have played a minimum of forty percent (40%) of games played by his/her team during the regular season; Twenty-20 participants must have played at least one (1) game to qualify.
5.4 The GSCL Disciplinary Committee shall investigate all challenges/violations and render its recommendation to the GSCL executive committee for action. 
5.5 Teams found guilty of using ineligible players shall be disqualified automatically and 10 points will be awarded to the opposing team.
5.6 The team guilty of violating 5.5 above shall have forfeited any such game.
5.7 If both teams are in violation they will be disqualified, neither team will be awarded points. There will be no rescheduling of games.
5.8 In the semi final round if both teams from the same bracket violates 5.5 both teams will be disqualified and the winner of the other semi final game shall be declared the GSCL champions.
6.1 The field restriction area shall be marked by (2) two, (30) thirty-yard semi circles joined by straight lines on either side of the pitch. They shall have as their center the middle stump at either end of the pitch. Alternatively small cones, flags, or discs may identify the field restriction area. The designated area shall be CLEARLY VISIBLE from both umpiring positions. 
6.2 For the first eight (8) overs in a (40) over match, a maximum of two (2) fielders will be allowed outside the 30 yards circle. 
6.3: Overs 9 thru 32, a maximum of four (4) fielders will be allowed outside the field-restricted area.
6.4 The last eight overs, overs 33 thru 40, a maximum of five (5) fielders will be allowed outside the field restricted area. 
6.5 Infringement on these fielding restrictions shall result in the ball being called a “no-ball”. 
6.6 For the first (6) six overs in a T-20 match, rule 6.2 shall apply. 
6.7 When the first inning overs are reduced, field restrictions shall be reduced proportionally as in the table below.
Regular Season
First Inning Overs Restriction Overs Fielders Outside Circle
36 - 40 (8); (9 – 32); (33 – 40) (2);  (4);  (5)
30 - 35 (7); (8 – 28); (29 – 35)        
26 - 30 (5); (6 – 20); (21 – 25)  
20 - 25 (4); (5 – 16); (17 – 20)  
7.1 Before laying the matting the home team shall be responsible for preparing the pitch, which may include but not limited to sweeping, raking and or rolling, marking the boundaries and field restriction area. Teams are required to provide all equipment necessary for the game, i.e. stumps, bails and chalk. Broom and covers are also essential.  
7.2 At the end of an inning either captain may request (of the umpire) that the matting be stretched and or swept as long as it does not compromise the start of the inning. 
7.3 The home team shall be responsible for providing water and refreshments. 
7.4 It is MANDATORY that two copies of the playing XI eleven with the players’ full name, given and surname be submitted to the umpire/s. After verifying the accuracy of the copies he/she shall retain one copy and give the other copy to the opposing captain prior to the toss being spun. Umpires will not accept the players’ list if it is not properly filled out.
7.5 Thereafter changes to the submitted list (declared team) can only be made with the consent of the opposing captain. 
7.6 A minimum of (7) seven players are required for a game to begin. 
7.7 To allow for an on time start captains or their designee shall spin the toss no later than 15 minutes prior to the start of the game. Five (5) minutes preceding to the designated start of play the fielding team and the batters must be present on the playing field and ready for play. The bowlers end umpire will call play promptly at the appointed time.
7.8 Teams that are late shall be penalized one (1) over for every four (4) minutes of lateness.  Penalized teams will face an amount of overs minus the overs they were penalized. Their inning will however be based on the agreed upon overs. [Example; if you are penalized four (4) overs you will bowl forty (40) overs but face thirty-six (36) overs, however your run rate will be based on 40 overs]. 
7.9 Games that are scheduled for 12:00 noon, and for whatever reason (except weather related), did not start by 1:30 PM, will be cancelled and the team that was not ready to play will be credited with a loss; the game shall be awarded to the opposing team.
7.10 In the event of rain it is the responsibility of the home team to provide covers in order to protect the playing surface and bowlers’ run up.
8.1 The normal hours of play are from 12:00 noon to 6:15 PM.
8.2 The (1st) first inning commences at 12:00 noon and concludes at 3:00 PM 
8.3 A (15) fifteen-minute interval will be observed between innings. 
8.4 The 2nd teams’ inning commence at 3:15 PM and conclude at 6:15 PM. 
8.5 Two on field water breaks of five (5) minutes each shall be permitted at the 15th and 30th over. Under conditions of extreme heat and humidity the umpires shall permit extra interval/s for drinks.
9.1 Matches shall be limited to:
  1. One inning of (40) forty overs, each over will consist of six (6) legal deliveries.
  2. One inning of (20) twenty overs (T20), each over will consist of six (6) legal deliveries.  
9.2 Each bowler shall be allowed a maximum of 1/5 of the number of allocated overs i.e. in a (40) forty over match the maximum overs per bowler shall be (8) eight. 
9.3 Following all No balls, the next delivery shall be a Free-Hit. If the delivery is not a legal delivery, (no ball or wide) then the next delivery will become the free hit. Field changes are not permitted for free hit deliveries, unless there is a change of striker or the no ball is for a fielding restriction, in which case the field change will be made only to facilitate the restriction. 
9.4 In case of unforeseen circumstances, (such as inclement weather, damp pitch, lost ball etc.), the number of overs shall be reduced by a factor of one (1) over for every four (4) minutes lost. All other rules shall apply. 
9.5 The fielding team must complete the number of allocated overs within the specified time or be penalized for each over not bowled. [See 7.7] 
9.6 If the fielding team is late, the time for the batting side shall be extended by the length of time the fielding team was late. For example if they are 30 minutes late, the batting side inning shall be extended by 30 minutes and the inning of the offending team shall be reduced by 30 minutes. 
9.7 If the team batting first is late they shall be automatically penalized (1) one over for every (4) four minutes. For example if the penalty is (4) four overs, they shall face a maximum of 36 overs. See 7.7.
9.8 Players leaving from and returning to the field of play must notify the bowlers’ end umpire. If the player comes in contact with the ball (prior to notifying the umpire) a penalty of five (5) runs will be added to the score of the batting side, the ball is ruled dead and an extra delivery shall be bowled.
9.9 For infractions of 9.8, runs completed by the batsmen shall be scored together with the run in progress if the runners had already crossed at the instant of the offence. 
10.1 In the event of weather related conditions the umpires after inspecting the field shall determine whether to delay or abandon the game. 
10.2 In the absence of umpires,the home team’s captain shall inform the GSCL about the condition of the ground and the league shall make the final decision on the status of the game. 
10.3 Depending on the conditions the umpire/s shall wait up to (1.5 hrs.) one and a half hours before deciding on the status of the game.
10.4 If the game is abandoned, each umpire shall be paidone-half the standard umpires’ fee. If only one umpire is present the teams will jointly pay him/her a total of one-half the standard umpires’ fee.   
10.5 In the event a game is curtailed by rain, bad light, or any other weather related factors, the following rules shall apply: 
10.6 There shall be no winner unless a minimum of (1/2) one half the agreed upon overs are completed in the second innings. Otherwise this constitutes a drawn “no result game” and each team shall be awarded five (5) points. 
10.7 If a team is bowled out during their innings, their run rate will be based on the overs agreed upon for that game. 
10.8 If there is a rain delay during the second innings but the game is official, the winning score shall be based on the overall run rate for that game; (runs scored divided by number of overs bowled) plus (1) one run.
TIES: In the event that teams are tied with points at the end of a competition the following rules shall apply.
11.1 The winner of the head to head competition, if still equal 
11.2 The team with the highest NRR calculated as follows; (NRR is games played against all teams) 
NRR = Total runs scored           _    Total runs against 
            Total # of overs bowled       Total # of overs bowled 
11.3 POINTS: At the end of a game if the scores are even, the game is considered tied and each team shall receive 5 points. 
11.4 In the case of playoff games and T20 matches, there shall be a one over bowl off, where each team faces six legal deliveries, and the team scoring the most runs will be the winner of the game. 
11.5 If the game is still tied, then the team that has the most sixes will be declared the winner, and if still tied, the team with the most fours, will be declared the winner, etc.
12.1 The umpire’s decision is final. He/she must record disputes on the score-sheet and submit a written report to the GSCL within (48) forty-eight hours of any incident. 
12.2 Captains are responsible to ensure that UMPIRES are paid before to the start of the second inning. 
12.3 The umpire’s fee for 40 over games is one hundred dollars ($100.00) and ($60.00) sixty dollars for T20 games.
12.4 In the event there is only one official umpire, he/she shall officiate at both ends, and the umpire’s fee shall be (one and a half times the normal fee) i.e. $150.00 dollars.It is the responsibility of the batting team to provide a square leg umpire AFTER consultation with the official umpire. If a person officiates at square leg for the entire game, he/she must be paid fifty dollars ($50.00) dollars ($25.00) from each team
12.5 For T20 games in the event there is only one official umpire, he/she shall officiate at both ends and be paid $90.00 (one and a half times the normal fee). If a neutral person officiates at square leg for the entire game, he/she must be paid ($30) thirty dollars. It is the responsibility of the batting team to provide square leg umpire, AFTER consultation with the official umpire.
12.6 Teams cannot reject assigned umpires. 
12.7 If official umpires are unavailable, then both captains shall agree in advance on two persons who shall officiate the entire game. 
12.8 Before play starts the umpires shall verify that the stumps, crease, 30-yard circle and boundaries are consistent with the standard guidelines. 
13.1 The right to a fair and impartial hearing requires that individuals and or teams shall not be penalized without due process i.e. prior notice of a hearing, a reasonable opportunity to face and answer questions and or the accuser and to present his/her own defence. 
13.2 Three (3)-GSCL executive members shall adjudicate disputes. 
13.3 The GSCL disciplinary committee shall be the arbitrator in disciplinary hearings. 
13.4 Unless the person is excused by the GSCL, once properly notified if an accused fails to attend the hearing, a decision on his/her innocence or guilt will be made in his/her absence, 
13.5 Alcoholic beverages and glass bottles are prohibited in all parks. This is a county ordinance; violators may be subjected to league discipline and prosecution by law. 
13.6 Un-sportsmanlike conduct from players, teams or club members; will NOT BE TOLERATED in the GSCL. Such actions will result in swift and severe disciplinary action against the perpetrators. 
13.7 Players or teams who have been penalized will not be allowed to participate in any GSCL sponsored activity until the penalty is resolved. 
13.8 Changing clothes in the park is expressly prohibited. Disciplinary action shall be taken against offenders of this rule.14.5 
13.9 The GSCL recommends that all cricketers actively participating in the game wear protective gear.
13.10 Color clothing and pads are mandatory for participation in the Twenty 20 competition; GSCL approved white balls must be used for these contests. 
SECTION 14: PROTEST          
14.1 In the event of a protest, the captain shall immediately notify the umpires and the opposing captain and clearly state the nature of the protest. 
14.2 For a protest to be valid it must be received by the GSCL in writing with a fee of $100.00 within (48) forty-eight hours after the game. The reason/s for the protest must be clearly stated. 
14.3 If protests are upheld the filing fee will be refunded. Denied protests will result in a club ‘s forfeiture of its’ filing fee. Deliberations will commence and decision/s will be rendered after receipt of a valid protest and prior to the start of the next game. Protests will not be considered, unless it meets the above criteria outlined in 15.2. 
15.1 $50.00 fine will be assessed for the first incident of forfeiture. The fine must be paid prior to the team participating in any other game.
15.2 A second forfeiture shall result in the team/s immediate suspension from the GSCL 40 overs and T-20 competitions. A reinstatement fee of $100.00 will be assessed to teams for the ensuing season, however teams will be allowed to participate in the T-20 competition if they pre-pay the fee before the start of the T-20 contest.
15.3 Teams forfeiting game/s are RESPONSIBLE for the umpires’ fee. 
15.4 Ten (10) points shall be awarded to teams that are scheduled to play or have played a suspended club. 
16.1 If a fielder fails to take the field with his team at the start of the match, or at any later time, or leaves the field during a session of play, the umpire/s shall be informed of the reason for his absence, and he shall not thereafter come on to the field during a session of play without the consent of the umpire. The umpire shall give such consent as soon as is practicable. 
16.2 If the player is absent from the field for longer than 15 minutes, the player shall not be permitted to bowl in that innings after his return until he has been on the field for at least that length of playing time for which he was absent. 
16.3 The player shall not be permitted to bat unless or until, in the aggregate, he has returned to the field and/or his side’s innings has been in progress for at least that length of playing time for which he has been absent or, if earlier, when his team has lost five wickets.
17.1 Substitute fielders will NOT be allowed for absent players.
17.2 A substitute fielder must be a registered member of their respective club and shall be properly attired before being allowed onto the field of play. 
18.1 In extenuating circumstances the GSCL executive committee reserves the right to promote or relegate teams. This action requires a simple majority vote of executive members present.
18.2 Each season two (2) teams from Division 1 with the least amount of points may be relegated to division 2.
18.3 Each season the team that wins the Division 2 championship and the runner-up may be promoted to Division 1.
a. Interpretations of the GSCL Rules and Playing Conditions are the sole responsibility of the GSCL executive committee.
b. A disciplinary committee shall be appointed by the executive committee and chaired by a member of the executive who shall have a casting vote only. Persons cannot serve on this committee if his/her club is involved in the disciplinary action. 
c. The GSCL Executive shall appoint a selection committee prior to the start of the season.
d. Consideration for regional or zonal selection require players to participate in games recommended by the GSCL or the national governing body for cricket in the USA.
e. A batter whose bat bounces up after having been grounded beyond the popping crease is not out. If the umpires determine that a batter inadvertently loses contact with the ground when the wicket is put down, the batsman will be protected from being run out or being stumped.
f. The non-striker risks being run out if the umpire determines that he/she leaves his/her ground before the bowler would normally be expected to deliver the ball.
g. The umpire is required to make two calls, call and signal No Ball and signal Byes or Leg Byes. If a No Ball goes for 4, it will be recorded as (1) one No ball extra and 4 Leg byes or byes, if the ball is played the batter is credited with the runs scored. 
Captain’s Responsibility: There are two laws, which places the responsibility of the team’s conduct firmly on the captain. They are responsible at all times for ensuring that play is conducted within the spirit of the game, as well as within the laws. It is also the responsibility of the captains to hand over the full names of the players and balls to the umpires no later than 15 minutes prior to the start of the game.    
  1. Players Conduct: During the game the umpire shall inform the captain of any infraction committed by a player. It is the captains’ responsibility to address and rectify the situation. Infractions can be criticizing the umpire, abusive language making lewd gestures or any action that brings the game into disrepute. The umpire concerned shall, report the matter to the other umpire, and inform the players’ captain that he/she will be submitting a written report of the incident to the secretary of the GSCL.
B. Fair and Unfair Play: According to the laws, the umpires are the sole judges of fair and unfair 
     play. Umpires may intervene at any time
C. Umpires are authorized to intervene in cases of:
  1. Time wasting
  2. Damaging the pitch
  3. Dangerous or unfair bowling
  4. Ball tampering
  5. Any other action that they may consider to be unfair or unsafe.
D. The Spirit of the Game Involves Respectfor:
  1. Your opponents
  2. Your own captain and team
  3. The role of the umpires
  4. The game’s traditional values 
E. It is Against the Spirit of the Game to:
  1. Dispute an umpire’s decision
  2. Direct abusive or inappropriate language towards an opponent or an umpire
  3. Indulge in cheating or any sharp practices, such as: -
  4. Appealing, knowing the batsman is not out
  5. Advancing towards an umpire in an aggressive manner, when appealing.
  6. Seeking to distract an opponent either verbally or by harassment with persistent clapping or unnecessary noise under the guise of enthusiasm and motivation of one’s own team.
  7. Violence: There is no place for any act of violence on or off the field of play.
  8. Players, captains and umpires together set the tone for the conduct of a cricket match. Every one is expected to make a conscious contribution to this effort.
The Garden State Cricket League (hereinafter “GSCL”) executive members, committee members and players are governed by such regulatory documents as the Constitution, Code of Conduct and Playing Conditions. Members and affiliates of the GSCL are required to perform with fairness, equality, transparency and objectivity through an overriding sense of integrity. The GSCL recognizes that Executives and other committee members are elected to perform assigned duties within the ambit of the goals and objectives of the League. However, the responsibility of accepting positions must have some guidelines. It is to this end that all Executives, committee members, associates and players adhere to the standards outlined in the Code of Conduct below.
  1. Implement the League’s Constitution, By-Laws, Regulations and policies such that the highest possible standards of honesty, transparency and fairness are achieved and maintained.
  2. Cooperate with the League’s organizers, officials and other administrators.
  3. Know and understand the Constitution, By-Laws, and other policies governing the GSCL.
  4. Make financial and other decisions that are in the best interest of the GSCL.
  5. Be none-discriminatory against clubs or any individual member or associate on the basis of race, colour, ethnicity, gender, national origin, and religious belief or otherwise.
  6. Never use the assets, information or resources of the GSCL for personal gains or for the benefit of any club.
  7. Ensure that all transactions are transparent, handled honestly and recorded accurately.
  8. Recognize and fully respect the rights and independence of the members and member clubs.
  9.  Urgently address situations where the Constitution, By-Laws, Code of Conduct and Playing Conditions have been contravened.  
  10. Be transparent and upon reasonable request provide full disclosure to all members on matters pertaining to the GSCL.
  11. Recognize that even the appearance of misconduct or impropriety can be construed as very damaging to the reputation the GSCL.   
  12. The rules governing the league are based on the GSCL constitution, Code of Conduct and playing conditions. 
  13. Players are required to play within the spirit of the game by adhering to the Laws of Cricket, local rules and playing conditions. 
  14. Players, team officials, or umpires shall not engage in conduct that will bring the game into disrepute.
  15.  Persons i.e. players, scorers and officials shall refrain from the using insulting language, profanity and or obscene gestures. 
  16. In order to be valid all complaints regarding players, team officials or umpires must be written itemizing specifics and addressed to the GSCL secretary.
  17. The GSCL Disciplinary Committee shall recommend penalties and or other disciplinary measures for infringement of the league rules. 
NOTE: Any Officer, Committee member or player who is found to have contravened the Code of Conduct, Constitution or GSCL playing conditions shall be subjected to disciplinary measures as set forth in the Constitution and or playing conditions. The Code of Conduct in no way supersedes the Constitution and or playing conditions but serves to augment it.
  1. Complaints shall be referred to the GSCL secretary, and adjudicated by the disciplinary committee. The committee will comprise three (3) members, with the chairperson being selected by the committee.
  2. If at any time during the adjudication process, all members of the disciplinary committee are not available, then a minimum of two (2) persons will be allowed to adjudicate the matter.
  3. In the case of a two person adjudication panel, and there is a tie, then that tie will be broken by the President of the Garden State Cricket League. If the President is unavailable, then the Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer, in that order is allowed to break the tie.
  4. Written incident reports should be filed with the league’s secretary no later than forty-eight (48) hours after the completion of a game. A copy of the report shall be presented to the alleged offender, team captain or President of the respective club.
  5. The disciplinary committee will convene a hearing with the alleged offender(s), and witnesses if any, within three days after receipt of the report.
  6. Any recommendation rendered by the disciplinary committee, in absentia (offenders not attending hearing), will be binding.  
  7. The disciplinary committee’s recommendation may include fines, suspensions and/or, probations along with the dates they are to be instituted. The disciplinary committee’s recommendation decision shall be forwarded to the executive committee of the Garden State Cricket League, through the General Secretary.
  8. After recommendations have been made by the disciplinary committee appeals can be made (in writing) to the secretary of the Garden State Cricket League. The Executive Committee will hear appeals as expeditiously as possible.
  1. The penalty for violation of a Level 1 offense ranges from probation to a maximum suspension of two (2) games for all infractions below.
  2. Abuse of cricket equipment, clothing, ground equipment, fixtures and fittings.
  3. Showing dissent at an umpire’s decision by word or action.
  4. Using language that is obscene, offensive or insulting and making obscene gestures.
  5. Excessive appealing.
The penalty forviolation of a Level 2 offense ranges from probation to a maximum suspension of 2 to 4 games, or all of the infractions below.
  1. Showing blatant dissent at an umpire’s decision, by word or action.
  2. Inappropriate and deliberate physical conduct by players during the course of play.
  3. Charging or advancing towards the umpire in an aggressive manner when appealing.
  4. Throwing the bat or the ball at or near a player, umpire or official in a dangerous manner.
  5. Using language and/or gestures that are obscene, offensive or of an insulting nature to another player, umpire, official or spectator; (It is acknowledged that there will be verbal exchanges between players during the course of play. However, these exchanges are to be free of obscenities.
  6. Changing the condition of the ball (Tampering – Law 42.3)
  7. Gambling, or any attempt made to manipulate/fix a match. The responsible party or parties shall be held accountable if found guilty of such conduct.
 23.3 Level 3 Penalties
     The penalty forviolationof a Level 3 offence will result in a maximum 4-7 games suspension
     and probation for 1-yearfor all of the infractions below.
  1. Physical or verbal Intimidation or assault of an umpire, player, league official or spectator.
  2. Any act of violence on the field of play.
  3. Any insults based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender or sexual orientation.
  4. Intentionally disturbing the stumps during the game.
  5. Person(s) found to have violated the Code of Conduct shall be penalized as outlined in Level 1 through Level 3. Additionally they may be held financially responsible fully or in part for the cost of physical injury or property damage.
  6. Prior records will be taken into account, and may add levels to the penalties being handed down. (i.e. a player with priors may be penalized at level 2 for a level 1 offense, or at level 3 for a level 2 offenses).
  7. If a player is found to have violated provisions of the code of conduct during probationary period, he/she may be subject to expulsion from the Garden State Cricket League. 
DISCLAIMER: Participation in the activities of the GSCL is strictly voluntary. The Garden State Cricket League will not be held responsible wholly or in part for personal injuries, damages to personal property, medical or any other expenses incurred by any person while attending or participating in any Garden State Cricket League sponsored activity.